8 Queen problem


Post about solving classical 8 queen problem using Haskell.

Solution idea

I represented queen placement as pair of integers (Int, Int). Then generated all possible N queen placements on the chessboard.

For example [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)] is this placement


After this I filtered out good placements. I called queen placement good if no queen attacks another.


Let’s define function which tells does two queens conflict (attack each other):

doesConflict :: () => (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
doesConflict (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
  (x1 == x2) ||
  (y1 == y2) ||
  (abs(x1-x2) == abs(y1-y2))

We will generate queens and need to have a function which detects is placement good:

doConflict :: () => [(Int, Int)] -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
doConflict queens candidate =
  True `elem` (map (doesConflict candidate) queens)

isGood :: () => [(Int, Int)] -> Bool
isGood [] = True
isGood (queen:queens)
  | doConflict queens queen = False
  | otherwise = isGood queens

Now we have a function which can tell us is given placement of queens is good or not.

Now let’s write function to generate possible queen placements:

generatePlacements :: () => Int -> [[(Int, Int)]]
generatePlacements x = (map (zip [1..x]) (permutations [1..x]))

In the code above we generate permutations (y coordinates) and zip x coordinates to each permutations so getting all possible queen placements.

Now all we need to do is to filter out good placements:

Run algorithm for 8 queens

(filter (isGood) . generatePlacements) 8



Whole code:

import Data.List

doesConflict :: () => (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
doesConflict (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
  (x1 == x2) ||
  (y1 == y2) ||
  (abs(x1-x2) == abs(y1-y2))

doConflict :: () => [(Int, Int)] -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
doConflict queens candidate =
  True `elem` (map (doesConflict candidate) queens)

isGood :: () => [(Int, Int)] -> Bool
isGood [] = True
isGood (queen:queens)
  | doConflict queens queen = False
  | otherwise = isGood queens

generatePlacements :: () => Int -> [[(Int, Int)]]
generatePlacements x = (map (zip [1..x]) (permutations [1..x]))

Link to source with comments